Astrology Explained

Is there anything to Astrology besides interpreting birth charts?

Interpreting Birth Charts with Planetary Cycles


One’s birth chart is simply the doorway to your life. When you walked through that door at birth, energies were imprinted on you. After you understand them, it’s time to focus on the present and future.

Look at the present by looking at how karmas are playing out in your life. Start remedies to change what isn’t working for you or amplify what is.

Look into the future by predicting what will come, which karmas will be activated. Start steering your life now to respond appropriately.

The subtext in the messages above is one of changing karma and one’s life not being governed solely by fate. This is true. The birth chart shows a moment in the past. 

You have the ability to adjust how the energies in the chart play out. You do this every day already, but may not think about it. When the days are long in summer, you take advantage of it and plan to be outside in the evenings, such as athletics or parties.  Also, you have probably learned and developed strategies to cope with aspects of your personality. You may count to 10 before responding to someone who angers you. You may “sleep on it” to consider ideas. You may realize that different things make people happy and you learn what works for people you care about.

Karma can be changed through remedies. This is the most powerful aspect of Vedic Astrology. By performing remedies karma can be changed. We have written about this separately, so will not revisit this just now.

So, we have addressed the past and the present. That leaves the future. We have two primary ways to predict the future:

  1. analyzing the movements of the planets and how they will impact your birth chart at any time
  2. examining the major and minor planetary cycles (aka dasa and bhukti) and what they will bring for you.

The future is a hefty subject, which we will write about separately.

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