Birth stars

Birth Star #16 Vishakha

Birth Star #16 Vishakha

Known as: the star of purpose

Symbol: a large tree with spreading branches. The tree provides protection to others.  Trees also spread and grow, having more influence as they mature.

Common characteristics of people born under this star: enthusiasm, faith, optimism, hope for the future, patience, persistence, determination, hard-working, strategic-thinking

This star’s day is great for working on long-term projects.

Power: to achieve many and various fruits in life

Common professions: Vishakha-born individuals often work in several professions throughout their lives

Astronomically Vishakha is an asterism corresponding to the 4 stars in Libra which form the left half of the hanging scales: Alpha-Librae, Beta-Librae, Gamma-Librai, Iota-Librae

Alternative spellings: Visakha, Vishaka

For further reading consult the following books:

  • Harness, Dennis M. The Nakshatras: the Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology Twin Lakes: Lotus Press, 1999.
  • Trivedi, Prash. The 27 Celestial Portals: the Real Secret Behind the 12 Star Signs Revealed New Delhi: Sagar Publications, 2004.

Photo by Rob Mulally on Unsplash

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